Course curriculum

    1. SCHEDULE - Day 1 - Wednesday February 8, 2023

    2. SESSION - Welcome and Introduction to Civil Mediation Skills Training (Kristi Paulson)

    3. SESSION - Becoming an Effective Mediator

    4. SESSION - Part 1 - Communication Skills in Mediation (Kristi Paulson)

    5. Part 2 - Communication Skills in Mediation (Kristi Paulson)

    6. Role Play - A Class Act

    7. Role Play - Who Gets The Dog

    8. Role Play - The Biting Dog - Bonkers

    9. Role Play - It's Just Dinner

    10. EXERCISE - Voice and NonVerbals

    11. EXERCISE - Facial Expressions

    12. EXERCISE - Body Language

    13. ARTICLES: Communication in Mediation

    14. Article - Active Listening for Mediators

    15. Active Listening Self Assessment

    16. Allen Oleisky - Presentation Handouts

    17. Sybil Dunlop -How Bias Affects ADR

    18. Pt 1 - Dan O'Connell - Civil Mediation Act and Ethics

    19. Pt 2 - Dan O'Connell - Civil Mediation Act and Ethics

    20. Dan O'Connell - SAMPLE Mediated Settlement Agreement

    21. Dan O'Connell - SAMPLE Agreement to Mediate

    22. Minnesota Civil Mediation Act

    23. Copy of Rule 114 - Minnesota General Rules of Practice

    24. Minn. Stat. 595.02 Testimony of Witnesses (abridged)

    25. Complaint Procedure Flowchart (Pre Amended Rule 114)

    26. Overview of the Complaint Process and Complaint Form

    27. Copy of Minnesota Mediation Cases

    28. NEW Rule 114 (Supreme Court Order - December 30, 2022)

    1. Role Play - Keeping Up with the Radishes

    2. ARTICLE/Resource : Improving Lawyers Judgment: Is Mediation Training De-Biasing?

    3. SELF-ASSESSMENT: Conflict Behavior Survey

    4. SESSION - Special Issues In Mediation

    5. SESSION - Negotiation (Kristi Paulson)

    6. Role Play - Friends and Enemies

    7. Role Play - Negotiate - The Collar of Justice

    8. Role Play - Love Thy Neighbor

    9. HON. JAMES ROSENBAUM ARTICLE - Negotiating the Shoals of Mediation

    10. Rule 4.2 MN Supreme Court Ethics Opinion

    11. ARTICLE - OLPR Article - Martin Cole

    12. Ethics Case - ADR

    13. RESOURCE AAAArbitrator Oath

    14. RESOURCE - Conducting Zoom Mediations (Degnan)

    15. Sample Arbitration Agreement Language

    1. Copy of Lanterman - Ethics and the CyberWorld (Lanterman)

    2. Copy of Lanterman ARTICLE Dark Web

    3. Copy of Lanterman - Papers and Effects in a Digital Age

    4. Copy of Lanterman - Medical Devices

    5. Copy of Lanterman - Forensic Experts

    6. ARTICLE - Kristi Paulson (Southwestern Law Review) - Mediation in the Covid-19 Era: Is Online Mediation Here to Stay?

About this course

  • $1,495.00

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